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Are you struggling with negative self-talk?

Have you ever

  • felt stuck in that annoying cycle of negative thoughts and self-talk?

  • found yourself scrolling through social media, and suddenly, that nagging voice in your head starts comparing your life to everyone else's highlight reels? You know, that feeling of not measuring up or questioning your own worth?

  • woken up in the morning, ready to tackle the day, but before you know it, a flood of doubts, worries, and self-criticisms start creeping in.

  • maybe you find yourself with that voice telling you that you're not good enough, that you can't handle what's ahead, or that you'll inevitably mess things up.

  • find yourself talking down to yourself, criticizing your body, and/or your abilities.

  • had those days when no matter what you try, your mind just seems to be stuck on replay, looping through all the negative thoughts like a broken record and questioning you and everything you do?

Going far is tough with that particular mindset because what you think determines the way you feel and affects the way you behave/act.

If this is you, then it's time for you to join the "Mindset Shift" session and understand:

Why you keep second guessing yourself?

Why you keep self sabotaging yourself?

How can you break free from the negative self-talk loop?​ 


You will learn effective strategies and skills for overcoming negative self-talk and quiet those annoying voices in your head in under an hour 

During our time together, you will: 

1. Discover where some of your negative self-talk is stemming from as we work around a few thought patterns.

2. You can address one specific belief where these few negative thought patterns originate and reprogram it. 

3. Receive a guidance, additional resources and specific action plan to overcome your negative thoughts and replace them with more beneficial and healthy ones

4. Learn a daily practice and helpful concepts that will support your understanding and progress in this process.

How does it work?

This is a 45-minute 1:1 personal coaching session with Gulnaz over Zoom.

This is a powerful step towards changing your relationship with yourself, cultivating a more positive mindset, and starting to love yourself more.

Join me as we explore practical steps to transform your self-talk.

Ready to rewrite your internal narrative?

                                                 Grab your spot for ONLY 97$ here 


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The healthier thoughts we think, the better we can feel. The better we feel, the more positive and energized our actions become, creating a harmonious cycle of well-being and fulfillment in our daily lives

Image by Annie Spratt

Gulnaz has been an absolute game-changer for me! Her guidance helped me unearth and confront deeply ingrained negative thoughts, stemming from past wounds that I hadn't fully addressed.


Despite having embarked on self-improvement journeys before, Gulnaz's insightful approach took me to new depths, pinpointing the root causes with precision.

The exercises she provided are invaluable tools that I'll carry with me for life. Thanks to Gulnaz, I now radiate with newfound confidence and clarity. I'm excited to continue working with her to nurture this positive outlook on life.

Gulnaz, you're simply phenomenal!"

Stephanie, Ohio

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