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Gulnaz Salas

I help millennial women struggling with disconnection, self-doubt, and unfulfilling relationships reconnect with their authentic selves and cultivate self-love to live a fulfilling life

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Image by Artem Sapegin
Divine Alignment

offering a variety of services, including one-on-one mentoring, meditation training and sessions, ceremonies, and sound healing to help you cultivate self-love, mindfulness, self-awareness, and inner peace. We are here to support you on your journey towards self-rediscovery, wellbeing and your highest alignment.

Meet The Founder

lady in red

Gulnaz Salas is Life Coach and Mentor, Facilitator of Guided Sound Meditations, Singer, Practitioner of Tantric Arts, Medicine woman.

I am here to support the shift in consciousness and awakening that is happening in the world right now.


My mission is to assist those who are seeking guidance on their journey of healing, self-love and transformation and offer support in aligning with their wisdom and highest potential.

I aim to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you, and to empower you to live a more authentic, meaningful life, to awaken to a new reality by shedding the layers of conditioning, to feel more love that is available to us every day.

You are a work of art in progress

Let's make sure you enjoy this process along the way

My Story

My journey, like many, has been a rollercoaster of highs and lows. It wasn't until my mid-twenties that I fully realized how my past has been affecting the way I lived my life and who I thought I was. Past traumas, stemming from growing up in a dysfunctional family environment, led to later struggles with anxiety, depression, and substance abuse, resulting in the shadow expression of the self.

I wasn't fully embracing life, even though there were glimpses of connection and happiness. It seemed normal to have periods of depression and a lingering sense of dissatisfaction, feeling lost and unfulfilled. Little did I know, I was missing a connection to my true self and seeking love and happiness in all the wrong places. 

lady at the beach

The turning point came in 2017 when plant medicine and meditation entered my life, catalyzing profound changes on every level of my being. I had a realization through an embodied experience, followed by integration, that

Peace, Bliss, Harmony, and Love are our natural state.

My journey of awakening has been deep, intense, challenging, and undeniably beautiful. The reconnection to my body was the path to reconnecting with my soul. Deepening into my feminine essence, piece by piece, I’ve been reclaiming parts of myself, stepping into wholeness, and remembering who I am.


I believe that I have been guided in this healing voyage of transformation in my consciousness so that I can share the wisdom gained and support others on their own journeys of growth, self-love and self-rediscovery.

Today, I am helping women to heal and remember their truth through the journey of self-love and feminine embodiment.

Ways to work with me


Signature Mentorship Program

This mentorship program offers a 12-week session system with actionable steps to elevate your self-worth and confidence, equipping you with the skills to cultivate lasting self-love in a safe space. 


Mindset Shift

Are you struggling with negative self-talk?

Your mindset plays a crucial role in how you feel, view, and relate to yourself and the world. Learn effective strategies and skills in 45 minutes to break free from that negative cycle and embrace a more positive mindset.

Get Your Free Gift

Receive your Free 3 days guidance and Body Love Meditation to start connecting to yourself and improve your relationship. 

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